Ferrotone capsule is a nutritional supplement having a combination of iron, vitamins & minerals. The Ferrous Fumarate salt helps reduce the chances of getting gastro-intestinal problems which are usually associated with other iron salts. It has around 33% of elemental iron. Cupric Sulfate is essential to the human body to help promote normal growth and good health. Specifically, it helps with bone development, nerve function and sugar metabolism. Taking manganese orally in combination with calcium, zinc, and copper helps reduce spinal bone loss. Zinc is vital in the production of T-cells, which help fight infections. It plays a critical role in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism. Folic acid is a form of water-soluble vitamin B9 and is a key factor in the synthesis of nucleic acid (DNA & RNA). It is vital for the production of healthy red blood cells. Calcium carbonate is a calcium supplement that is used in deficiency states.