You need to know about eye infections and their treatment with eye drops.

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  • You need to know about eye infections and their treatment with eye drops.

There is a range of eye-related problems that eyedrops can treat. For example, an individual can be prescribed the usage of eyedrops for an eye infection, post-eye surgery care, or any other problems related to the eye. For something as simple as dry and itchy eyes also, one can consider buying available over-the-counter eyedrops. The time you will use these eye drops would depend upon the concern. One may need eyedrops for a more extended period, and someone may need eyedrops for maybe a single use.

It does not matter whether you use it for a single day off for a more extended period; what matters is to use a good one correctly. Several eyes drop manufacturers in India have launched various products that could solve simple tired eyes issues and even severe eye infections. It is also essential to understand here that the correct technique of using these eyedrops makes a lot of difference. A proper method will ensure that the eyedrop you have used gets appropriately absorbed and has good effectiveness.

Before we understand what eyedrops are and how they need to be used for effectiveness, we must understand more about infections and how they can help with the symptoms.

Eye infection

The most common symptom of an infection that one would notice is ice turning slightly pink, feeling itchy, and in some cases, they start to water. Deciding whether one has a disease depends on what the doctor has to say after the examination, and they are some signs that you can watch out for.

An eye infection does not only happen on the inside part of the eye, but it can also affect other areas such as:

• Cornea

• The eyelid

• Conjunctiva (it is the thin and moist area inside your eyelid and the white part around your eye)

Symptoms of infection:

An individual can experience the symptoms of an eye infection in either one eye or both. The common indicators of the infection are as under:

• Itchy eyes

• Pain in the eyes

• Feeling a similar irritation like that of having something inside your eye or on it

• Burning sensation

• Light sensitivity

• A painful and small lump that could form under the eyelid or base of your eyes.

• Feeling of eyes tearing up

• Eyelid starts to feel tender in case of any contact

After facing any of the symptoms mentioned above, your eyes may start to look in a certain way, which could be:

• Red and swollen eyelids

• Eyelashes start to look crusty, especially in the morning

• A discharge from either of the eye or both that could be of green color, yellow color, or even clear

• The white part of your eye starts to look pink

Following the symptoms comes a stage when one feels that the eye’s vision starts to blur. Along with a bloody vision, you could also experience fever, lymph node swelling, and irritation when wearing contact lenses.

Even though having a minor infection is not such a big deal and usually heals itself in a matter of few days but what needs to be taken care of is any severe symptoms that one may have since that could lead to losing the eye permanently.

Let’s now discuss some of the infections related to the eye and how they can be treated:

1.   Conjunctivitis: most common eye infection known to humankind is conjunctivitis, a pink eye infection. The conjunctiva is a thin tissue covering the inside of the eyelid and right eye area. An inflammation or infection that happens on the conjunctiva is termed conjunctivitis.

Conjunctivitis further has its types that include the following:

• Bacterial: this infection primarily affects young children

• Viral: it is the most common type of conjunctivitis and is more commonly seen in adults as compared to in children

• Allergic: when allergens such as dust, pollen, etc. enter the eye, they create an infection

• Gonococcal: this form of conjunctivitis is very commonly seen in sexually active teenagers and newborns

• Chlamydial: an infection that most like occurs due to genital infection

Something as basic as irritation from any foreign body that may enter your eye could also be a reason for having conjunctivitis. If an individual deal with a situation like this, the most common symptom is having watery eyes or experiencing some discharge from the eye.

Most of the time, you can quickly treat conjunctivitis caused by a virus at home with several home remedies. For situations where home remedies do not work well, one can also consider alternate medical treatments such as:

1. Bacterial: several antibiotic eyedrops are available in the market that you can use to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. One of the famous and very influential eye drops available for treating bacterial conjunctivitis is BETASONE – N, which comes from one of the eye and ear drop manufacturers in India, Torque pharma. This eye and ear drop is a potent steroid that can be used for its immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory properties. If one does not see any change even after using the eyedrops for five days, it is advisable to visit an ophthalmologist. In most cases, bacterial conjunctivitis would not last more than two weeks.

 Another great product from the Torque used in treating only bacterial conjunctivitis is Chlorex eye drops. The eye drops contain an antibiotic called Chloramphenicol, whose job is to control the growth of bacteria. Torque also has launched several other anti-bacterial eye drops that you can select depending on the severity of the problem and after consultation with a doctor. CIPROMAC-D, GLYCORT, and GECIN are some available eye drops that can work towards clearing a bacterial eye infection.

2. Viral: artificial tears, cold compresses, and topical antihistamines are effective methods of mild viral conjunctivitis. Depending upon the severity of the infection, a doctor may even prescribe antibiotic drops to help ease the situation.

3. Allergic: One of the most common treatments for allergic conjunctivitis is using Saline drops. Allergic drops or shots are also one of the available options that you can use for treatment.

4. Gonococcal: using saline solution and antibiotics is a suitable treatment method.

5. Chlamydial: Oral medication is the only treatment.

Conjunctivitis can be easily spread by touching of eyes, and therefore one must keep washing their hands to avoid spreading it further.

2. Keratitis:

An infection is caused in the eye’s cornea and leads to inflammation. The most common reason for an individual to have Keratitis is wearing incorrect contact lenses.

When someone wears contact lenses for too long and keeps them in an eye solution that has not been changed or cleaned the lenses for some time, then the chances of getting infected increases.

One must get proper medical help in case of Keratitis conjunctivitis because, if untreated, it can damage the cornea and, in some cases, even permanently cause eyesight loss.

Commonly known symptoms of this infection are:

• Blurry vision

• Light sensitivity

• Eye pain

• Irritation and redness in the eyes

• Watery eyes and discharge in the eyes

These two are the most common known infections, and other than these, there are :

3.   Endophthalmitis: a state in which the fluid inside the eye gets infected is known as endophthalmitis. If not treated immediately, it leads to severe repercussions like blindness.

4.   Cellulitis: a bacterial or fungal infection that can affect the eyes and the skin is known as cellulitis. Diagnosis of this infection may require collecting a blood sample from the eye or nose. Treating a condition like this requires antibiotics; not always would these be given orally, and in severe cases, one might even be hospitalized.

5.   Stye: a type of infection found in the eyelid, mainly on the eyelash follicle or its oil glands, is known as stye. Bacteria is the main reason for this infection, and if someone doesn’t take proper care and has unwashed hands that have touched your eyes or nose, it can spread the bacteria even further.

Please suggest some of the infections mentioned above, apart from these. Several others need to be treated according to their symptoms.

Is it time to see a Doctor?

Not all infections need to be treated by visiting a doctor or the hospital. Some of them, as you can also treat stye or blepharitis at home. Nevertheless, for the severe infections mentioned above, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible to avoid any damage to the eye.

One of the easiest things you could use for treating an infection apart from Home remedies is eyedrops. There is a vast market of eyedrops that are used for treating different ailments of the eye. Some may require a prescription, and some may not, depending upon your condition. You must understand the severity of the situation before using any eye drops. One should always ensure that these eyedrops are from a good and reputed company, not ones made of low-quality ingredients.

Effective use of eye drops

Let’s start by explaining how you can effectively use eyedrops to ensure accurate results:

Before putting on eyedrops, the first and foremost thing is having proper clean and sanitized hands. You could consider washing your hands with soap and water; if that is not possible, you could also use an alcohol-based sanitizer. Keeping tissues handy is also advisable since you may need them to wipe off any extra eye medicine that may drop off your eye after putting the eyedrops in your eyes.

Instructions of usage:

Here is a Step By Step guide to how you can use eyedrops for your own eyes. Not only for your good, but these instructions will also help you in putting eyedrops for someone else. If you still feel that you have shaky hands and would be unable to put eyedrops on your own, you can always ask for assistance from a friend or a family member.


1. Keep all the things you may need like the eyedrops, tissue, and a hand sanitizer handy.

2. Washing your hands is essential before using eyedrops, as unclean hands can lead to worse situations like severe infection or irritation. Remember that if water and soap are not in close reach, always use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

3. It is vital to read the instructions that are already written on the bottle of eye drops. Some eyedrops must be shaken before they are used for their effectiveness; therefore, it becomes essential to read these instructions.

4. Removing the cap of the eyedropper bottle and placing it on a clean surface is also crucial because this cap, when put on an unclean surface, can also pick up an infection which can quickly transfer to the opening of the eye drop.

Using the eye drops:

One can follow the below-mentioned points to use the eyedrops and treat the infection effectively.

1. Lying down flat on your back or tilting your head is the foremost step. Following this, one needs to pull down the lower lid and form something like a pouch, there eventually, the drops need to be placed.

2. hold the eyedropper bottle close to your eye with its opening facing towards the eye. Remember to bring the eyedrops bottle as close to your eye as possible without making contact. If you have shaky hands, you can always use your other hand to support you.

3. The final step involves looking up and dropping the medicine in the pouch you made earlier in step one.

4. Close your eyes, avoid touching, rubbing, squinting, or even blinking for a few moments, and let the medicine do its work.

5. A vital tip while pouring the eyedrops is applying mild pressure on the inner corner of your eye, which would stop the medicine from going in your nasal passage and finally getting to your throat.


Eye Infections are not restricted to just one or two types, but a vast number of infections are known to us. Not all forms of infections ought to be seriously taken as they heal themselves over time. That being said, furthermore serious infections, one should not in any way be carefree. Seeking medical health becomes extremely important when dealing with severe sections as it could lead to permanent damage.

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